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Asset Management

Asset Management

Group Chair: Christine Francis

Vice Chair: Susan MacFadyen

The SCOTS Roads Asset Management Group’s purpose is to manage delivery of the SCOTS Roads Asset Management Planning (RAMP) project. This is a national collaborative project, established in 2008, that continues to develop SCOTS asset management recommended practice through a framework of practical guidance, tools and templates to support efficient and effective maintenance of the Scottish local road network.  All 32 authorities participate in the project, have adopted the RAMP framework, and benefit from access to the consultancy expertise and regular practitioner training that the Project provides.

The RAMP Group consists of a Project Manager and Steering Group with representation from other SCOTS groups. Glasgow City Council administers the project on behalf of SCOTS.

Annual Status and Options Report Members video

SCOTS are delighted to make this Annual Status and Options Report (ASOR) Members video available to practitioners and the public alike.

In our busy and complex information environment this short video is an effective way to communicate with all viewers the importance of our national roads assets and the critical work undertaken by roads teams across Scotland to maintain them.

Specifically it:

  • Provides an overview of roads asset management and its importance to local authorities and citizens alike
  • Emphasizes elected members stewardship responsibilities and the decisions they have to make regarding investment
  • Introduces SCOTS and its work
  • Introduces the ASOR and its purpose in informing decision making